Forensic Details
Top-Down Analysis & Bottom-Up Analysis
Business Valuations & Litigation Support
Tracing for Potential Hidden Assets or Income
Income/Cash-Flow Analysis
VLS Forensic Team
Certified professionals with many years of financial fraud experience
Adam T. Magill, MBA, CBA, CVA, MAFF and Stacey J. Gambel, MBA, CPA, CFF have extensive training and experience in the investigative tools used to evaluate potentially hidden income and assets. In addition, with an eye to critical thinking, VLS evaluates each situation for sanity checks in the identification of questionable transactions.
Forensic accounting encompasses cases in financial litigation, damages litigation, matrimonial litigation support, business valuation cases, bankruptcy/insolvency cases, and fraud risk management. Forensic services for such purposes as locating hidden assets and unreported income are difficult to render and may be limited by financial constraints. Valuation & Litigation Services, LLC cannot and will not warrant the discovery of all assets or income as part of our analysis. The degree and effort of such forensic services will be reviewed with you and your attorney.